Mrs Universe 2017 Archive

Archana Tomer and Being Tusshar Dhaliwal introducing Nisha Chaddha Mallya

N I S H A     M A L L Y A Entrepreneur, Believer, Dreamer As the inspirational Gloria Steinem once said, “Don’t think about making women fit the world — think about making the world fit women.”

Being Tusshar Dhaliwal & Archana Tomer had a dual celebration on Christmas Eve.

After having grand success of “Mrs India Universe 2017”, Grand finale recently at the castle Mewar Udaipur in Rajasthan, organised by Viscera events & models management, along with Archana Tomer creation. Both Tusshar and Archana celebrated the

Being Tusshar Dhaliwal and Archana Tomar, introduced Anisha Safaya in Glamour World.

Being Tusshar Dhaliwal and Archana Tomar, introduced Anisha Safaya in Glamour World. Anisha Safaya achievements:- “My achievements are reflection of my dreams, My dreams encourage me to rise, To rise high even from the ashes, These ashes

Mrs India Universe 2017, Grand Finale 27th October 2017 at The Castle Mewar, Udaipur Rajasthan

Apart from Indian participants, there were participants from 15 countries in this pageant, total participants were 40. Grooming and training were schedule for 6 days from 22nd to 27th October. Event was organised by Being Tusshar Dhaliwal (founder),