Melody isn’t dead but its shape has changed a little since among the youth, the ways of professing as well as proposing love too have changed  a lot over the years. It is no wonder that music also has undergone a lot of sea changes. Romantic albums are being brought out these days too but  the listeners expect something tangibly different in them, as is the case with Shakuntala Films next album Love Jaisa which consists of 5 romantic tracks in an entirely new avatar brought out by Anup Roy who is not only one of the producers but also the music director . The USP of the album is undoubtedly  the video song of Javed Ali called Dil Ki Zubaa.

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Models Jai Mohan and Kajal Sharma also are making their debut with the music video of the album, which is about a young man who is madly in love with a girl but is unable to  to profess it to her and a third person enters the triangle and ultimately only the person who really loves the girl from heart is able to win her love. This is the message of triumph of true love that the album Love Jaisa sets out to drive home to the listeners. Prakash Yogesh and Anup Roy have produced the album for which Sanjay Dhupa Mishra has written the lyrics.